Sunrise Bakers

Delights from Doon.
Baked with love since 1956.

Welcome to Dehradun’s oldest bakery, where locals are greeted by their names; where familiar faces meet each other, and welcome travellers from all over the world who are eager to sample a wide range of palatable delights.

From an inventive array of rustic breads to the melt-in-your-mouth Butter Pista biscuits that you grew up with, everything is baked fresh with the same amount of love and care you’ve come to expect and trust for well over half a century.

Ever since we fired up our ovens in 1956, our fathers have been in the business of creating smiles on people’s faces, by sharing their passion and love for food & desserts with the world, with the single goal of delivering the best quality products at affordable prices. They gave it their all, they gave it their best.

In order to take their legacy forward in the right direction, we introduce you to our website with a promise to serve people all over the country. It is the beginning of our journey to make our one-of-a-kind bakery products available to more and more people. And we hope and pray that you all will support us just like you have since our very being!